Order Tracking Policy:

  1. Tracking Code: All orders sent by our store have a tracking code, which is sent to the customer after the order has been posted.

  2. Access to tracking: The customer can access the tracking of their order through the website of the transport company responsible for delivery or directly using the tracking code provided.

  3. Service Channels: In case of doubts or difficulties in tracking the order, the customer can contact our store by phone, email or online chat.

  4. Delivery Times: Delivery times may vary according to the destination and the type of delivery service chosen by the customer. If there is any delay in delivery, the customer will be informed and can choose to cancel the order or wait for the new delivery date.

  5. Partial delivery: In cases of products with different delivery times, delivery can be made partially, with each product delivered according to the stipulated deadline.

  6. Tracking via WhatsApp: Unfortunately, it is not possible to provide tracking information through WhatsApp, but the customer can contact the store through the available service channels for help and support in tracking their order.

  7. Order Status: The customer can track the status of their order using the tracking code provided and check whether the order is in transit, in the delivery process or has already been delivered.

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